CCS Point of Sale


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office:system_setup:taxes [2010/08/20 23:27]
office:system_setup:taxes [2018/12/23 12:11] (current)
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 For a variety of reasons a customer might be a non-taxed customer. From a wholesaler to a priest many different reasons are applied. Therefore, if you have input a customer into your customer database, you can set them as a non-taxed customer from For a variety of reasons a customer might be a non-taxed customer. From a wholesaler to a priest many different reasons are applied. Therefore, if you have input a customer into your customer database, you can set them as a non-taxed customer from
 +===== Tax Rounding ​ =====
 +This topic is for those of you who have taxes which do not always apply what would seem like the correct amount. The system applies tax to items during the order only. When at the end of the month, or quarter, or period you run a sales report that shows the tax of the item, you very may well see less tax collected than the amount your standard tax is. 
 +===== Example of Fluctuating Tax =====
 +For Example: your tax is .0775%. You have items that are $1.00, you can only ever charge $0.07 cents when charging for one item. however, if you were to sell 100 items, you would have charged $7.75 in tax. But, selling one item at a time is not the same as selling 100 items, and therefore your tax rate will seem to fluctuate.


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