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====== Loyalty Group With 1 Free Item ====== This group style makes redemption of one item the easiest. You can use this style to accrue multiple types of items into one group. [[guides:general:loyaltyprogramusage:loyalty_groups_one_free_item#Example]]\\ [[guides:general:loyaltyprogramusage:loyalty_groups_one_free_item#Setup]]\\ [[guides:general:loyaltyprogramusage:loyalty_groups_one_free_item#Cashier Usage]]\\ ===== Example: ===== You offer 8 ounces of yogurt when your customer purchases 10 yogurts.\\ <note tip>Bonus: You also want to be able to give bonus points, so you set up bonus points as a menu item that can add to their total purchases.</note> ===== Setup ===== The setup covers setting up the items you will be using the loyalty program, and setting up the group to apply the program.\\ ==== Item Setup ==== We will assume you have Yogurt setup. You will also need to make a bonus item and a Item with a price of -$3.00.\\ You can quickly add a -$3.00 item from the item list window. \\ {{:guides:general:loyaltyprogramusage:loyaltygroupwith1freeitem:item_1.png|}}\\ From the window toolbar, press add, then fill in the details. Make sure you set the price to be a negative amount. \\ {{:guides:general:loyaltyprogramusage:loyaltygroupwith1freeitem:item_2.png|}} ==== Loyalty Group Setup ==== First you must setup the Loyalty Group. Office - Menu Service - Loyalty Groups.\\ For this kind of program, make sure you check off the option at the top "Display One Free Item Only."\\ {{:guides:general:loyaltyprogramusage:loyaltygroupwith1freeitem:loyalty_1.png|}} Input the Group Name, and Details:\\ {{:guides:general:loyaltyprogramusage:loyaltygroupwith1freeitem:loyalty_2.png|}} Select the Loyalty Items to add, and the one to give for free. Make sure the one you are giving for free is not calculated as a sale.\\ To select the items, just press on them from the 'Menu Tree' on the right. They will be added to the list automatically. {{:guides:general:loyaltyprogramusage:loyaltygroupwith1freeitem:loyalty_3.png|}} ===== Cashier Usage =====
Trace: • loyalty_groups_one_free_item